Appeals Process
Commencing an appeal with the Pennsylvania DMV (also known as PennDOT) can be a harrowing experience. Whether you recently lost your license due to excessive speeding or a DUI offense, loss of driving privileges can result in the inability to travel to and from work and/or school. To avoid this negative outcome, contact an experienced Pittsburgh driver’s license restoration attorney right away. If you plan to appeal your driver’s license suspension, you have just 30 days to do so from the date you received your notice of suspension. For this reason, it is vital to meet with a qualified traffic violation attorney as soon as possible so that you preserve your due process rights.
The Initial Appeal
The initial appeal of a driver’s license suspension in Pennsylvania takes place in the Court of Common Pleas. As discussed above, you must have your appeal filed in the court within 30 days of the “mail date” posted at the top of your notice from the DMV. In addition, the court cannot consider your appeal for any of the following traffic offenses unless you successfully overturn your conviction before filing for appeal:
Driving on a suspended license
Driving under the influence
Driving without a license
Underage driving under the influence
Reckless driving
Fleeing the scene of a crime
Various drug violations
The Administrative Appeal
Your Pittsburgh driver’s license restoration attorneys can also assist you with an administrative hearing before the DMV, if necessary. The administrative hearing is available to address any of the following issues:
Requests for a credit toward a license suspension, revocation or disqualification.
Requests for a review of records.
Request for a credit toward serving time by driving with an ignition interlock device.
Appeal of a denial of an Occupational Limited License or a Probationary License.
During this process, you will attend a hearing, present witnesses and evidence, and endure questioning both by your Pittsburgh driver’s license restoration attorneys and the Bureau of Driver Licensing counsel.
Contact an Experienced Pennsylvania Driver’s License Restoration Attorney Today
The Law Offices of James Crosby can assist you if you are facing an imminent suspension of driving privileges in Pennsylvania. To make an appointment with an experienced traffic violation lawyer, call today.